here's our durings
First, I need to apologize to my friend Dave who had his birthday party last night and because our sanding went on for a while, I had to skip. Even though going to a movie screening in a Hollywood cemetary for his birthday party was MY idea. Yes, Dave, dinner on me for that one.
But, instead of hanging with Dave and friends yesterday and last night, here's what we were up to. There is dust E V E R Y W H E R E!
Dad working the big floor belt sander. The sand paper is on a cylinder at the front of this machine. When you're ready to sand the floor, you rock the machine forward, picking up on the handle a little to put a bit of pressure on the sanding cylinder in the front. After doing three rooms, it feels a lot like holding two filled gallon paint cans at your waist level for a few hours. Mom is there sweeping behind him so the sawdust doesn't build up.
While Dad was using the big floor sander, I was using this machine to get to the edges.
And this is what using that will give you:
The machine itself isn't so hard, but imagine taking those same two filled gallon paint cans, bending over and holding them just about an inch off the ground, and swinging them from side to side. Yeah, the back feels great today!
But, this is what our floors look like now after the first pass with 36 grit. I've gone to 80 grit along the edges, but still need to do 60 and 80 in the middle of the floors.
We're off to make more dust!
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