Sunday, July 23, 2006

Comic-con me once, shame on you; Comic-con me twice, shame on me

I know comic book fans look forward to this all year long, but I really hope I never have to walk into this convention ever again. TOO. MANY. PEOPLE. According to the San Diego newspaper, the fire marshall made them stop selling tickets yesterday because they had reached capacity. That's like 100,000 people! Ugh.

And, the handy little mobile blog system we set up before we left only worked on the one test photo of my car. So, below are the few photos we took at the convention. We didn't capture the slew of super fans dressed as their favorite comic book characters. Parts of the convention looked like Mardi Gras, minus the sense of humor and flowing booze.

The view from our hotel room:

Mom and Dad at the Harry Potter booth:

The Warner Bros. booth:

Lifesize Hot Wheels car:

Made completely out of legos:


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