Sunday, June 25, 2006

i actually live here

So, it's official. Tonight will be the first night I spend in my house. My parents have been here for two weeks, but I have finally left the apartment and now live in this house I paid too much money for. There are boxes everywhere, and I have no earthly idea how I'll get ready for work in the morning in any kind of timely manner, but I just tell myself it's like camping and the chaos is all okay.

Today Mom and I painted the stairwell. This will be the same color in the hallway downstairs too, but since there is still some repair and sanding to happen in the hallway, that'll come later. I knew I wanted some kind of golden color, but wasn't sure which one. But, landed on this one because it's called "Acorn." As someone who grew up around oak trees with tons of acorns, I thought it was pretty appropriate. Bad news about the color: it doesn't come with tall, beautiful, shady oak trees. Good news: it doesn't hurt to walk around barefoot! :)

Here's a quick catch up of what you see here:

1.) Here's the stairwell with one coat of acorn. Another photo to follow after the second coat is on, and taken during daylight. The true color is the lighter color here on the right edge of the photo.
2.) Dad putting sheetrock mud on the new sheetrock in the downstairs hallway.
3.) My beautiful bedroom and the wall that I can't believe Dad never gave up on.
4.) Imagine my headboard here.
5 & 6.) How lovely are those ceilings!? This is what the ceiling looks like in the hallway downstairs right now.

It may not look like it now, but it's all coming together!


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